
Sunday 31 March 2013

Learning Hair Straightening Techniques

There is not a woman on earth that is one hundred percent happy with their hair. Women spend millions of dollars each year on hair straightening, coloring, cutting, styling, and conditioning. If their locks are long they want them cut short, if they are straight they want them to curl, and if they curl they want them to be straight.
Not all hair straightening techniques work on all types of hair. The chemicals and treatments that a black woman uses for hair straightening will not work on the silky fine hairs of a white girl. The flat irons that the white girls use so often will not begin to do the trick on a black girls head. Before you can determine which method of taking the curl out you are going to try you must first determine what type of curly locks you have.
If you have a slight amount of body in your tresses that keeps it from lying as flat as you would like then you can buy a flat iron and use it for hair straightening. These items will cost you anywhere from ten dollars to over a hundred dollars, and can be purchased from many different suppliers.
In the late sixties and early seventies girls would actually use an iron to get their curls to fall out. They laid their curly locks on a board like they were about to press clothing and applied the same instrument that they would to their clothing to get those curls to loosen up and fall out.
If you have a head full of natural curls then you can take a permanent that is supposed to make straight hair have curls and get the opposite effect. You apply the solution to your curls and comb it through them. You leave the chemical solution on for about half the amount of time you would leave it to create a curly style. After you rinse the solution out do not forget to apply the neutralizer to stop the chemical reaction on your scalp. You will have straighter hair when it dries.
Some people weight their locks to create more length and black women spend hours with a professional stylist when they want to remove the curl from their tresses. The beautiful thing about the hair of black women is once they have the curls removed the style will look good for months after.


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