
Showing posts with label Lung Mesothelioma Asbestos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lung Mesothelioma Asbestos. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Addressing The Treatment Of Mesothelioma

The most awkward of cancers to deal with is Mesothelioma. The treatment of Mesothelioma is also very limited. It is an awkward cancer to deal with as it attacks the linings of internal organs and it makes it an extremely difficult area to deal with.
As a very invasive and aggressive cancer it spreads quickly if given the chance and if not caught early. Its root cause is the mineral, asbestos. The fibers get into the body through inhalation of fine asbestos dust and even larger particles. It is therefore also known as Asbestosis.
These fibers settle in the lining of a particular organ and could stay there for many years. An unrelated illness such as pneumonia, can awaken the cells which had been chafed by these fibers in the body, thus creating the cancerous cells.
For the treatment of Mesothelioma, not much has changed over the last decade. A discussion at a medical conference one year came up with the idea of trapping the cancer within the lining of the organ. Eager doctors have tried that. However, cancer does not allow itself to be stopped in any way hence this method has proven not to be very successful. It is especially so for this particular cancer.
It actually causes more harm as the cancer then pushes itself out into areas where it would not have gone before such an operation. To add to the woe of patients is that after the incredibly painful operation, the patients still have to undergo the treatment of Mesothelioma, such as chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy places more strain on an already depleted body. It causes hair loss, nausea and general weakness of the body. The patient also has to suffer with a terrible redness in the face. Sometimes they are bedridden and cannot do much.
The body can only take so much of the chemical as well. Hence, the next step would be to have radiation treatment. Sometimes these two for the treatment of Mesothelioma are given together and the side-effects are even worse to deal with. In the case of radium treatment, it is done internally and is targeted at the affected area.
Another option is to cut away as much of the lining as is possible after which chemotherapy is administered. This would depend entirely on how soon the cancer is caught. If early enough there is a reasonable chance of a prolonged life.
There is alternative medication, such as natural "cures," but not all countries allow for these medical alternatives. However, it still remains the patients' choice of what they want to do with regards to he treatment of Mesothelioma. Others prefer to just let the disease take its course while others make every effort to be healed. The success of these natural treatments also depends entirely on how soon the cancer is caught, because this is a longer process than the conventional treatment.
A lot of the success of a treatment also has to do with the patient's attitude. To be positive under these circumstances is not a very easy thing, though. Most of all the best treatment for this particular cancer is prevention.
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Mesothelioma 101: What You Need to Know

Despite the fact that mesothelioma has been on the rise just recently, not many people know what this is, what causes it, and what the signs and symptoms are. This article aims to inform the general reading public about mesothelioma: its nature, its cause, and its signs and symptoms.
What Is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma, or more precisely known as malignant mesothelioma, is a rare form of cancer that develops from transformed cells that originated from the mesothelium, the protective layer that covers the many internal organs of the body.
It develops in many different parts of the body, but there are some of the common anatomical sites where mesothelioma develops. Among others, these anatomical sites include the pleura (the outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), pericardium (the sac that surrounds the heart), and tunica vaginalis (a sac that surrounds the testis). This type of cancer is also known to grow at a much faster rate, and causes metastasis of isolated limbs of the body, thus, bringing unwilling predictions.
What Causes Mesothelioma?
The most common and considered as the undisputed cause of mesothelioma is prolonged exposure to asbestos. There are several ways a person can come in contact with asbestos fibers: occupational, environmental, and paraoccupational.
People who work in asbestos-exposed areas, such as construction site, ship yards, and factories are considered to have the highest risk rate of developing mesothelioma. However, some people come in contact with asbestos fibers due to their locality's proximity to naturally occurring asbestos or minerals with the same properties as that of asbestos, such as the zeolite mineral known as erionite. Some people develop mesothelioma due to secondary exposure to asbestos; this is known as the paraoccuopational exposure. Those whose family members work in an asbestos-exposed area are also in the risk of developing mesothelioma, as asbestos dust and/or fibers can accumulate in their clothes and can be brought home. This is the reason why people who work in asbestos-exposed area are required to take a shower and change clothes before going out of the area. Another reason that a person can develop mesothelioma is due to their exposure to buildings constructed with asbestos-based materials. Small but regular exposure to asbestos can lead to mesothelioma development.
What Are the Common Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma?
Common symptoms of mesothelioma include breathing problem, uncontrollable cough, severe chest pain, weakness, and/or unexpected weight loss. The common signs and symptoms of mesothelioma are often wrongly thought of as simple diseases and/or symptoms of common illness, and when it is detected, it is often too late to reverse or cure it. Most of the time, mesothelioma are confirmed after the doctor have conducted a biopsy on the anatomical site where the mesothelioma cells have gathered.
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Get to Know Everything About Mesothelioma

Mesothelium is a type of tissue lining the lungs, stomach, heart and other vital organs. Once these tissues are exposed to risk factors, specifically asbestos, an individual becomes susceptible to a rare type of cancer we call mesothelioma cancer.
Also known as malignant mesothelioma, this illness comes in three types: pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type, accounting to more than 70 percent of all cases of mesothelioma. This usually afflicts the pleura, a lining in the lungs. Meanwhile, peritoneal mesothelioma attacks the abdominal cavity, while pericardial mesothelioma originates from the cardial lining pericardium.
In the United Kingdom alone, more than 2,300 people are found positive with mesothelioma symptoms. People who are constantly exposed to asbestos, be it at home or at work. This could either be direct exposure or through inhalation, although a person does not usually develop the disease, let alone manifest mesothelioma symptoms until many years after his exposure. In fact, according to the National Cancer Institute, it could even take takes 30-50 years to manifest mesothelioma.
Washing clothes of someone who has direct contact with asbestos, and other indirect factors, could also put a person at risk of mesothelioma.
While tobacco and mesothelioma do not have any significant relationship with each another, smoking could hasten asbestos-induced lung cancer.
Individuals who were exposed to asbestos could be susceptible to "collected damages for asbestos-related disease," mesothelioma being one of them. This stems to the legal issues surrounding compensation via asbestos funds or class action lawsuits regarding mesothelioma, a hot topic these days.
The most common symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath caused by pleural effusion, which happens upon the formation of fluid between lungs and chest walls. Also common are chest pains and rapid weight loss. Chest x-ray and CT scan could reveal the presence of mesothelioma, although more specific confirmations via serous effusion cytology or biopsy and microscopic examination.
Although chemotherapy, radiation and cobalt therapies, as well as surgery sometimes, are proven effective in combating cancer, the same could not be said with mesothelioma given the poor mesothelioma prognosis as manifested by patients.
However, recent scientific research has produced significant breakthroughs with regard to treatment protocols for mesothelioma patients and more options are now available for managing mesothelioma and supporting improved quality of life. This sheds light, especially the afflicted individuals, who endure the physical, emotional, and financial strain of a seemingly hopeless condition. Likewise, recently diagnosed patients often bombard their physicians about what treatment is best for this disease.
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