
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Daily Vitamins For Women

While many things change in a woman's life, there are some things that stay the same, and one of these things is nutrition. A good, balanced diet will provide much of this, for example fibre and protein. However she still has to be careful to make sure she gets the enough of essential minerals and vitamins that a normal diet may not always include.

Examples include iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium and vitamin D; and vitamin B12 for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. Excellent sources of these minerals and vitamins are super foods, including: Raw cacao nibs, they're really high in magnesium, as well being yummy too. Spirulina is high both calcium and zinc and contains more iron that raw liver. Bee pollen is a good source of vitamin D, B12, and zinc too.

The Healthy Choice

For starters, it's a good idea for every woman to see she's getting enough of the essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, and the B-complex vitamins. The B vitamins include thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin or niacinamide (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), biotin (vitamin B7), folic acid (vitamin B9), and cobalamin (vitamin B12). Bee Pollen contains all the B vitamins, and vitamin C, Spirulina contains vitamin C, and many of B vitamins too.
Looking more closely as super foods, you soon discover that they contain many, if not all, the vitamins and minerals that you can't always find in a 'normal, balanced' diet. Such as, vitamins A & E for healthy skin and a glowing complexion as well a strong immune system.

Strong Bones

Women need to take care to help preserve bone mass and avoid possible osteoporosis later in life. Body After Baby author and nutrition expert Jackie Keller says "Women need calcium at all stages of life, and we generally don't get enough in our diets through food sources." An excellent source of calcium can be found in spirulina, and this, combined with a good diet, will help you to reach your recommended daily requirement. To further protect bones, doctors also recommend supplementing vitamin D when taking calcium. Vitamin D is found in Super foods such as bee pollen and chia seeds.

The Fatty Acids That Are Good

Omega 3 oils, are the essential fatty acids for the health of the body. In women, these oils can go a long way to help prevent a long list of conditions which include heart disease, depression and also osteoporosis. Omega 3 oils can be found in walnuts, olive and rapeseed oils and chia seeds.


  1. Vitamins are essential for healthy body and metabolism. Different vitamins have different functionality. So it is good to consume all kind of vitamins.
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