
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

How Chemical Peels Can Benefit Acne Scar Sufferers

While there are many treatments that exist to treat acne scars, chemical peels are still considered as the best treatment. Chemical peels are used in fading acne scars and are very effective at doing so. With this, chemical peels continue to be the top choice when it comes to advanced dermatological processes.
Applying a peel is relatively easy though this may depend on the type that you are using. When used in fading acne scars, it has a peeling effect wherein the topmost layer of the skin peels off. Healthy skin could then replace the old, peeled skin hence parts of the acne scars will be peeled off as well. The more you peel, the more your scars will be made less visible. Peeling also improves the production of collagen and elastin within the skin to help smooth your scars out from below.

It would be best to visit a skin care expert before you purchase and apply chemical peels especially if you have severe acne. Through a consultation, the skin care expert may assess whether a chemical peel is appropriate for you or that you have to look for other acne removal application or procedure. There are many factors to consider in treating scars, some of which are skin color and level of scarring. Other factors like the oiliness of your skin will also have to be considered.

The chemical peel that you have to use will depend on the type and severity of scarring. There are three common types of chemical peels commonly used: hydroxy acid, salicylic acid and phenol and trichloroacetic acid.

Alpha hydroxy glycolic peels and beta hydroxy acids are among the mildest available. As such, they are highly advised for people with light to mild acne scarring. While the person will require no healing time, he or she may experience redness and irritation. For the scars to be removed completely over time, the person must apply hydroxy acid every 4 to 6 weeks for best results.

Salicylic acid is a relatively mild peel. Salicylic acid will work best on people with mild to moderate scarring. There will be a short period of recovery and usually no more than minor side effects as well.
Deep Phenol and higher strength trichloroacetic acid or TCA solutions are also used in treating severe acne scarring. These solutions are stronger and can penetrate deeper into the skin. Deep peels should only be performed by professionals since the application and healing process is more complicated. The person will need longer recovery period. Nonetheless, the outcome in the end will be great.


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