
Monday, 6 May 2013

Following My Daughter's Foot Steps

I don't know exactly when the lightning bolt struck. From being a normal laid-back mid-twenties graduate, my daughter decided to introduce exercise into her life and spend time on improving her health, reducing some weight from a natural size 10 and just getting fit.
Much to my surprise this new "regime" would include "running" along the leafy thoroughfares of Cambridge, and so one evening before dinner she put on her gymnasium kit and set off. Running as a discipline is a favourite because it has discernible health benefits, can be done singly or in groups and using the local roads and pathways is inexpensive and can be done at will.
However, this ad hoc approach does have dangers. Many participants suffer injuries that are brought on by a lack of information, guidance and perhaps aggravated by their own enthusiasm.
So we discussed a preparation schedule. In our particular case this has to be teased out during our regular "Skype" calls as we live on either side of the Irish Sea.
Firstly, a series of stretching was introduced after a preliminary warm up period. Stretching reduces stiffness in muscles and the risk of injury. Stretching also increases blood circulation and helps nutrients reach the muscles and tendons. In addition it prepares the body for the increased energy demand and can improve the physical performance.
So, off she went, limiting the distance to approximately two miles and the frequency to three times per week.
The results were almost instantaneous. As you build up the "routine" you increase your body metabolism, thus you digest food faster and burn excess fats in your body. Even designer jeans that had been bought on holiday in America, years ago, fitted again.
The success brought about a re-think of food intake and triggered a dramatic lifestyle change that complemented the exercise weight loss.
The regular "running" pattern began to stimulate her competitiveness. She began to monitor her times and saw them improving as the number of runs increased. This led us to discuss "running style". Poor "running style" is a disadvantage that can occur and persist when exercising without the benefit of informed advice.
We spoke about adopting a better posture and using the arms in a forward/backward motion to assist momentum. Also, we improved the leg movement to raise the knees higher end extend the stride pattern. This brought about an immediate improvement in the "times" and an extension of the distance to three miles.
While very confidence building the improvements also brought two related problems one of her knees has become sore and the quality of her running shoes is open to question. The shoes are old and were purchased no doubt for their style rather than their suitability for this type of exercise schedule. The expense of a high spec cushioned shoe is off the agenda at present. Running is a high impact exercise that mostly affects the knees and ankles and over time can cause permanent damage to the joints. Carefully designed and manufactured inner soles can correct the stride and reduce impact.
The slight injury has led to a return to the indoor treadmill. While recovery will only take a few days the rest from the hard pounding of the roads to the softer more forgiving surface of the treadmill will speed up the process.


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