
Friday, 14 June 2013

5 Ways to Start Fresh

It has been said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. 21 days out of an entire lifetime is like snapping your fingers. It is a short period of time relative to the many many years you have on earth. The next time you declare that your ideal goal is too hard to attain, try looking at it from this fresh new perspective. As you try new things or begin to form habits around the things that are working, know that the first, easiest path is to do what you can when you can. You can do it! Let go of old stories and renew your will by starting again; each week or each day and another day and another day... 21 days will be here before you know it.
Start fresh each week or each day by:
  1. Working with your body, not against it. Dis-ease feeds on negativity, whether it's negative thoughts, actions or foods/drinks that the body cannot process. Setting your intention and then feeding yourself negativity in any form will put you back to square one. Accept, don't hate, what you have now. Appreciation for the magnificent form we call the body, no matter its present condition, helps decrease the chronic un-ease we call dis-ease.

  2. Knowing that it takes steps to form a path. Wellness is a process of consistently making choices toward good health. If you stand in the same place complaining or not taking action, of course it will be impossible to see change. Feel encouraged by moving forward, even if you are doing one additional healthy activity a day.

  3. Realizing that past disappointments can be celebrated; they help shape and refine your goals. OK, maybe you did not succeed with the last attempt. The best thing about "failing" is that you have a ready-made list of what doesn't work. You know not to try the same thing again right? Ask yourself how can you tweak what was done to get better results next time. Let go of the guilt and regret and understand that you are always learning.

  4. Doing what you can when you are ready. Either you are ready for change or you are not. If you are ready, use that will to get through each day. Visualize what you want and hold those images in your mind. If you aren't ready for change, forcing yourself builds resistance and resentment to the activity, people around you and yourself.

  5. Having fun! What do you have fun doing? Do you love to dance? Enjoy singing when no one is around? Can't get enough of cleaning? Take what you love and infuse it in whatever healthy activity you are doing. Sing your favorite song while juicing. Dance all the way to your mat for situps. Smile for 5 minutes straight before meditation. Fun gives you fuel to keep going!
We are all meant to live happy, healthy lives.


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