
Monday 17 June 2013

What To Do Before You Begin An Exercise Program

Getting in shape is a goal that everyone should have. Having an exercise program is something that can help you to live a long and healthy life. Exercising also helps you to have a better quality of life, have a healthier body, fight off diseases, and have more energy and much, much more. However, before you start into an exercise program - there are some things that you need to consider.
The first thing that you need to do is to look at your overall health. Are you an active person - or do you sit around on the couch a lot? No judging - just asking. Has your doctor ever told you that you have a heart condition? Do you get chest pains whenever you exert yourself physically? Do you have any other conditions that your doctor is monitoring?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the first thing that you need to do is to check with your doctor. This does not mean that you cannot start an exercise program; it simply means that you should let your doctor know what you are planning and any precautions that he may want you to take.
After you have been cleared by your doctor, then you want to make sure that you have the correct gear for whatever you plan on doing. If you are going to be starting a walking or running program - the most important thing that you need to do is to get fitted for the proper shoes for your foot type. They need to be comfortable and supportive. If you are biking, make sure that you have the necessary equipment, such as a helmet, shoes, etc.
With whatever form of exercise that you are doing, it's important to wear comfortable clothing. Your clothing should be loose-fitting and breathable. Cotton should be avoided. Nothing is more miserable than wearing cotton shirts, sweating in it and then being chilled the rest of your work out. Cotton will also get heavier when it is wet and you have the extra work of carrying it around. There is wonderful workout clothing that is made of what is called "moisture wicking" material. This fabric takes the moisture away from your body as you sweat and will keep you comfortable.
Another thing that you need to remember with whatever you do for exercise - start out slowly. So many people start an exercise program and try to do too much too soon. It's natural to be excited and want to just keep at it. But, like the tortoise and the hare - starting out slowly and keeping at it will help you to win the fitness race!
Beginning an exercise program is something that will help you to live a long and productive life. Following these tips will help you to get started correctly.


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